TREATMENT / Diabetic foot

Treatments in Madrid for Diabetic foot

Diabetic foot syndrome is considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) as the presence of ulceration, infection and/or gangrene of the foot associated with diabetic neuropathy and different degrees of peripheral vascular disease, results of the set of different factors induced hyperglycemia maintained over time.

Increasingly, the podiatrist is one of the keys to the prevention and resolution of the conditions of this disease. Numerous patients come to our consultations every day with ulcers caused in part by this pathology. As podiatrists we can help these patients a lot by preventing the appearance of this type of injury and treating them as foot specialists.

There are many dressings that exist for the treatment of ulcers, but permanent assessment and specialized monitoring by the podiatrist is one of the key tools to control and cure these ulcers, which can end in amputation in a very high percentage.