TREATMENT / Papilloma

Treatments in Madrid for Papilloma

Papilloma is an infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). These very problematic warts that often affect us especially on the feet, are an enemy especially of children waiting at the doors of the pool, the shower and floors where they settle waiting for a guest. It is very important to check your feet often, since this virus mostly affects children and adolescents.

This invasion of our skin can be combated with different types of treatments:

  • One of the most used is the treatment with nitric acid, which is one of the most effective and not very painful, although it is a slow treatment to obtain results.
  • We also have the multifunction technique and even complete removal of the Papilloma through chirosurgery.

If this virus is not treated, we run the risk of spreading it among family members or of it proliferating into a mosaic papilloma in ourselves, so the sooner the localization and treatment is, the greater its effectiveness.